Pelvic Pain treatment
(located in Kelvin Grove)
What is pelvic pain?
Pelvic pain is pain in the area below your belly button and above your legs. This area is responsible for a lot of things. It’s home to your bowel, bladder, ovaries and womb (if you have one). It’s also the place where your torso meets your legs, which means that the forces going through the area are enormous and complex as the forward and back movement from your legs is absorbed by the rest of your body. It’s the part of our body that we sit on, birth from, lift heavy objects from…in short, it’s a complex area and we love working with people to help them better understand and manage pelvic pain.
What conditions do we commonly see?:
Sacro-iliac pain
Pubic symphysis pain
Pelvic girdle pain aka symphysis pubis pain or pubis symphysis pain (PSP)
Pudendal neuralgia
Coccyx (tail-bone) pain
Endometriosis – the musculoskeletal pain associated with endometriosis
Not sure what an Osteopath is? Learn more here.

How do Osteopaths help with pelvic pain?
We know that getting a proper diagnosis for pelvic pain can be a bumpy road, but so can finding the treatment approach that is right for you. Pelvic pain, especially chronic (long-term) pelvic pain doesn’t only affect your pelvis. It can impact your whole body. That is why we take a ‘whole body’ approach when treating pelvic pain.
What is a whole-body approach?
Your pelvis is a transition area between your legs and the rest of your body, which means that it can be impacted by issues in your legs, back, ribs, shoulders etc. Over the years we’ve found that the reason people see us for pelvic pain treatment is that we recognize how the rest of the body is affecting their pelvic pain and how their pelvic pain is affecting the rest of their body.
Nothing in the body works in isolation and this can be particularly true in the pelvic region. Our Osteopaths are trained in a variety of approaches that may support you on your journey through pelvic pain.
Treatment at Pivot Osteopathy
As pelvic pain is complex, we focus on individualised care that aligns with how your injury occurred, your goals and your lifestyle. Our treatments include:
Hands-on Therapy: We have a wide range of manual therapy techniques including visceral osteopathy* that can assist in reducing pain, improving mobility and enhancing lymphatic drainage.
Education: Our Osteopaths are all trained in the latest pain science. This means that we can help you understand how your neural system works and why you might have pain or inflammation in an area. The research supporting the importance of understanding how pain works is growing rapidly and a lot of the best research is done right here in Australia.
Exercises and/or stretches: We know the best basic stretches for a variety of pelvic pain issues. If or when you need more than basic stretching, we have excellent Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists that we can direct you to.
*Visceral Osteopathy: This form of Osteopathy works to assist your organs to move and glide over each other. Lack of movement between the organs, such as from adhesions after surgery or due to endometriosis may impact your musculoskeletal system and cause pain. At Pivot Osteopathy we have many patients who see us because they have found visceral Osteopathy to be helpful in reducing their musculoskeletal pain.
At Pivot Osteopathy, we place an emphasis on education because we want to help you build your health toolbox and learn how to manage your symptoms better over time.
What happens in a treatment session?
Each pelvic pain treatment session is a personalised, one-on-one session that usually includes:
Discussion about where it hurts, how and when the pain started, previous injuries and other relevant history such as previous scans, surgeries or other treatments
A physical assessment, which may include orthopedic or neurological testing where clinically indicated
Hands-on treatment. Our Osteopaths are highly skilled in a variety of techniques that are designed to improve mobility and decrease pain. These techniques may include soft tissue massage, mobilisation of joints, stretching, myofascial techniques and visceral release techniques.
Exercises and/or stretches. We target the key exercises that will help get your body moving better. If you already have a Personal Trainer, Exercise Physiologist or other exercise therapist working with you, we can work with them too.
Education. Because understanding how pain works, why you are in pain and what you can do to manage pain and energy levels are key to managing pelvic pain
At Pivot Osteopathy, our aim is to provide you with the best care within our area of expertise, which means that we are happy to work as part of your healthcare team. When we are treating pelvic pain we know that most people benefit from a ‘toolbox’ approach. This means that you will assemble a variety of different activities, practitioners and knowledge to help you manage pain. If you haven’t begun to assemble your team, we can direct you to other passionate practitioners as required.
Where are we located?
You can find us in Kelvin Grove tucked away on a quiet side street. We have beautiful views, on-site parking and a growing number of in-door plants.
Pivot Osteopathy offers treatment to residents throughout Brisbane including Paddington, Kelvin Grove, Herston, New Market, Ashgrove, Red Hill, Grange, Stafford, Bardon and Enogerra.
Can you bring your children to your sessions?
We are a family friendly clinic, so yes, you can absolutely bring your children. We suggest you bring a snack or activities to entertain them, but we will work around whatever is happening on the day.

Still have questions? Please contact us or see our FAQs